A bottle of blood serum from the 1940s gives researchers hope to save lives on battlefields of the 2020s

How AI is changing the face of trauma care

Adrenaline can save a heart but hurt the brain. Canadian research aims to find best dose for a potent drug

How a St. Michael’s team is improving outcomes for CPR patients in the emergency room

Blood Efficiency Accelerator Award Program helping team establish national best practices for out-of-hospital transfusions

Can life-saving care be delivered right where major traumas happen?

DRDC resuscitates life-saving blood product research for trauma patients

Preparing for rare emergency events

Powder could stop bleeding earlier for trauma patients

How violent crime is worsening Canada’s blood shortage

The future is simulated: Breaking the shackles of bad clinical design

Fog of war: Training the resuscitationist mindset

 Labors of trauma (blunt)

Why visualization and mental practice are so important for emergency physicians

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